Pregnancy Diary: 42 Weeks and still pregnant.

It feels like I have been pregnant forever, well I am just 10 weeks away from a year long pregnancy so Lauren from Spud and Spike kindly pointed out to me….baby is still in the comfort of

It feels like I have been pregnant forever, well I am just 10 weeks away from a year long pregnancy so Lauren from Spud and Spike kindly pointed out to me….baby is still in the comfort of my womb, although there doesn’t appear to be much room for her any more. Every little movement is painful and walking is getting worse. I walked from the car to the school gate in tears on Friday as the pain was so severe. But this post isn’t to dwell upon the fact I am still pregnant, it’s just a quick post to remind myself how I was feeling when I next get broody…

I have a date to go into hospital this coming week, as you can read in my post Pregnancy Diary: 41 Weeks, it is not our most local hospital and I hope they don’t keep me in past the mandatory 6 hour discharge as travelling to and from the hospital for hubby would be pretty horrendous. I won’t lie, I am pretty nervous about the labour, although my previous ones have been uncomplicated I know that doesn’t mean that this one will be the same.I have to have an IV line this time, and I hate needles. I can just about manage a blood test as long as they take the needle out quite sharpish, but I know with an IV line that it’s going to stay in…and the thought makes me queasy!  Then there is the clothing situation…she is due to be ‘big’, but how big is big? I bought the most gorgeous outfit for her to wear after birth, but am now worrying it may not fit her. I am going to dig out some bigger clothes just in case.

So my plan for the next 3 days is to keep myself busy, today we are going to try and locate the Christmas Tree and decorate the house to look like Santa’s grotto. I might even bake a cake! Then tonight a long hot bath and tv time on the sofa, could it get any better? This time next weekend I will have a newborn baby with me, I will be a mummy to four and that is a pretty awesome thought!

5 thoughts on “Pregnancy Diary: 42 Weeks and still pregnant.

  1. I have my fingers crossed for you and hope it all goes well! I feel for you as I went 42+5 with second because I refused to be induced for my dread of needles. It all turned out fine and was my calmest and easiest labour. He was born 10 lb 8. So try not to worry & remain confident in yourself.

  2. IV lines I was dreading to but in all honesty when the contractions kick in & your are sucking that gas & air you don’t notice it.
    Good luck & I can’t wait to see pictures 🙂

  3. Get on with it missus!! Your kids just like to keep us all waiting!! I’m checking for baby news daily! All im going to say is im just glad I’m not pregnant with you this time! LOL Come on little Miss P!!!! xx

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