Five Things That Make Me Happy

A new meme to give you a peek into what goes on inside my mind, five things that make me happy. But I also want to know what makes other people happy. So my five

A new meme to give you a peek into what goes on inside my mind, five things that make me happy. But I also want to know what makes other people happy.

So my five things that make me happy are….

1. Seeing my children happy.
I love seeing my children genuinely happy, not because they have been told to sit and smile but because they are actually really happy inside. Sometimes all it takes is something really small, such as me ditching work and getting down on the carpet of their bedrooms to join in the games they have created.

2. A tidy house.
I challenge any parent to say that their house is spotless when you have toddlers or even older children around! My children leave a trail of destruction behind them, teamed with my whirlwind husband its a recipe for disaster! But I get this really happy feeling seeing the odd occasion that they are all at school/work.nursery and I can actually see my floor, it’s like I have achieved the unthinkable!! even if it is just for 5 minutes until they get home…

3. Chocolate.
Chocolate makes me unbelievably happy, I can even describe how much. I have been a chocoholic since I was about 3, my mum would say that unless I got my chocolate once a day I would get so grumpy, and that is something that has carried on throughout my life. I spoke to the doctor about giving it up and even he said that I shouldn’t go ‘coldturkey’ as my body is so used to it that I could get some horrible side effects. In all honesty I love it, I would happily skip a full meal in exchange for one chocolate bar.

4. Doing a good deed.
I am no mother Theresa by any means, but doing something for someone else gives me a really good feeling inside. I’m not saying it has to be anything extravagant or even donating large amounts of money, but sometimes its the little things, like giving someone else in the car park my parking ticket that I have overpaid by 5 hours on, or even letting someone out at a busy junction even if it is my right of way.Seeing someone else with a smile on their face because I have caused it is heart warming.

5. Getting a bargain.
I love a good bargain, I flat out refuse to pay full price for something if there is chance I can get it cheaper. I buy my children’s Christmas and Birthday presents throughout the year when I see a bargain, and stash them away in my huge built in wardrobe. I can honestly say that last Christmas I did not pay full price for one single item in the piles of pressies the kids got! That gives a great big sense of happiness inside me.

I tag the following 5 bloggers to tell the world what makes them happy!

Spud and Spike
Hart of the Munchkin Patch

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