How we got rid of the dummy!

>All three of my children have had dummies since they were just a few days old. They were all big sucking fans and a dummy gave me the peaceful nights sleep I needed. With baby

>All three of my children have had dummies since they were just a few days old. They were all big sucking fans and a dummy gave me the peaceful nights sleep I needed.

With baby number 3, my hubby was adamant that the baby wouldn’t have a dummy. He hates them with a real passion…
Baby number 3, aka Mark, loved his dummy and has been sucking on it contently since day 1.

I always said to hubby that we would take it away when he was 6 months old, but being the baby of the family, it never happened. Mark has MAM soothers which are from 0+months, they have an orthodontic small teat, so i have never been concerned about the impact they would have on his teeth development. My only concern has been recently because he is starting to talk, and the dummy is definitely hindering speech development.

Within a couple of months of Mark being born, I would catch hubby putting the dummy in Mark’s mouth, although I guarantee you he wont admit it!!

I made the decision to keep Mark on the small soothers and not give him the older larger ones for one very good reason..
When my daughter (now 6) was younger, I left weaning her off the dummy until she was 4 (I know, bad mummy!!) and to help with the weaning off, I bought smaller dummys that wouldnt have so much to suck on, meaning she got bored of trying to suck the little teat, and just gave up. I am pleased to say that it worked and she was dummyless within a few weeks.
So I had the idea that as Mark would grow bigger and the dummy stay the same size that the same thing would happen, that he would get fed up of trying to suck it…but that’s as far as i got, I was happy to let him continue his dummy fetish and he has happily been sucking away for 16 months, until just last week….
I noticed Mark had been asleep in his cot with no dummy in, it would be lying by the side of him or in his hand, but not in his mouth. So I decided to see how we would go without it during the day. I am pleased to say that it has been 5 days now and apart from one little hiccup (mark found a dummy he had stashed in his shape sorter!!) he has been dummy free all day!
I am not completely heartless, we leave them in his cot and he can pick it up if he wants it at night, but it appears to be that he has lost interest! hoorah!! next step, removal of them at night!!
Here is my monster napping dummyless!

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